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To create an AR experience in ARTutor you will need to sign up.

The process takes just a few minutes and is completely free!

You will need an email account to verify your ARTutor account.

Once you register, you can sign-in to the platform and create your first AR experience.

Create a Book

To create a Book you must first have the book available in pdf format. If you have the book in another format such as .doc or .ppt, you can very easily convert it to pdf and then upload it to the platform.

After creating the Book, you can add Augmentations to it.
You can also add other users to create augmentations on the same Book.

Add Augmentations to a Book

Once the Book is created, you can add augmentations to bring your book to life.

The augmentations are displayed when the camera of the mobile device detects the trigger image that you have set.

When creating augmentations, you can select the multimedia information (image, video, 3D model, audio, web page, YouTube video) that will be displayed when the trigger image is located by the camera.

You can add as many augmentations as you wish to a Book.

Add Complex Augmentations with AR Experience Editor

Simple augmentations of any type can be added to each Book, such as image, video, 3D model, audio, webpage or a YouTube video.

With AR Experience Editor you can add complex augmentations that combine images, videos, 3D models and 3D shapes.

The complex augmentation will be displayed when the camera of the mobile device detects the trigger image that you have set.

The complex augmentation will appear exactly as you designed it in the AR Experience Editor.

View an augmented Book with the mobile application

To view an augmented reality experience on your mobile device, you must first have downloaded the ARTutor application.

Then, you can search for the Book in the app or use the book’s QR code.

The camera of the mobile device will then open and as soon as an activation image is found, the augmented reality experience will be displayed.