With ARTutor you can add digital content on top of printed material or on top of electronic material!
You can add multiple types of augmentations that are displayed when a trigger image is detected by the camera of the mobile device.
Augmentations can be:
-YouTube videos
-3D Models
-URL links
Using ARTutor, you can quickly create rich and immersive AR experiences without coding.
All types of augmentations are fully interactable and you can use touch gestures to play with the augmentations.
You can also use our new AR Experience editor to create complex augmentations that combine images, videos, shapes and 3D models all in the same augmentation.
ARTutor now supports Location-based AR and experiences can be triggered in specific locations.
Also, multiple users can now edit the same AR experience collaboratively.
ARTutor is available for Android devices and soon for iOS devices.